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Tag: #veterinaryschool

Welcome to Horse and Vet Books’ First Horsey Blog Post!

I write horsey historical fiction and horsey veterinary fiction and nonfiction. Problem is, Amazon doesn’t think such genres exist. I want to prove them wrong.

I play with horses–and have done for a long time.

three little girls riding
Yes, like this long. We were heading off for an overnight. Alone. 🙂

I love to read and write books with horses in them.

I know there are plenty more of us who want to read and write these sorts of stories.

Maya NI Champs
With Blue Mist Shemaya at North Island Combined Drive Championships

I also know there are gutsy horsey chicks and guys out there who don’t think a heroine who races into danger on a half-broken Mustang is TSTL. (“Too stupid to live…”, a common complaint about heroes and heroines by readers who never leave their armchairs.) I’d never heard the term… probably because I was out there doing what most horsey people do–living my life like that… all the time.

Maybe you’re one of us. And for you, I made this website.

You’ll find the sort of books you understand–with horses, vets, kids and grownups, real lives, real injuries, real tragedies, and real triumphs.OAVS 7

Have a look through the site. I hope you see something you like. Leave a comment if you will, and let me know if this is a bit of you.

This is a living page. If there are books you need to see up here, let me know. I can’t possibly have all of them up yet!

If you want to write a blog post on a related subject, let me know on the  Contact Us page.

Scream it out!

We are here!

